Organic hits show the success of a social media account. Organic visitors are visitors who come to the social media account in various ways and increase the traffic on the site. This organic visitor demonstrates the advertising potential of the social media account. There are many methods to increase the number of visitors to the account. With these methods, it can both increase visitors and ensure that the content reaches the number of clicks it deserves.
Performing Competitor Analysis
Many social media platforms have been with us for many years. For this reason, many of your competitors, both personally and institutionally, may have already reached high points. What you need to do is to examine the accounts of users who share similar content with you and try to solve their strategies. During these analyzes, seeing the pros and cons of your competitors allows you to reach their audience. Of course, the competition must be conducted in a professional, not aggressive manner. One-to-one sharing with a rival social media account, the same strategies, or ordinary steps that do not reveal your difference will neither put you ahead of your competitors nor enable you to achieve individual success. You can also create tables for competitive analysis and take continuous notes.
Being Original
In your social media account, you should create your own or your company’s unique style, a kind of identity. Netflix is one of the most successful examples of this in the social media world. You ask why? Because the shares made by Netflix are not made by a company, but by an ordinary user who watches TV series like crazy. In other words, when you see Netflix on social media, you first think of a person, not tall buildings or corporate structures.
Creating a Personal Brand
Eğer amacınız kişisel markanızı yaratmaksa şirketler da kişiselleşme yoluna gittikleri için bunun bir nebze daha basit bulunduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Profil resmi, kapak fotoğrafları, paylaşımlardaki diliniz ve samimiyetiniz takipçiler için oldukça mühim. Sosyal medya tonlarca saçmalığın ve suni gündemin popüler olduğu bir yer, unutmayın. Tutarlı bir samimiyet, her zaman kazanır. Görseller dışında metinlerinizde kullandığınız üslup da her vakit tutarlı ve kimliğinize uygun olmalı. Bir paylaşımda senli-benli, huzurlu bir üslup kullanıp; öteki bir paylaşımda sizli-bizli, ciddi bir üslup kullanmanız sosyal medya takipçilerinizin kafasını karıştıracak ve sizin tam olarak nasıl bir tarza haiz olduğunuzu anlamalarını zorlaştıracaktır.
If you also need social media management, you can contact us. As Creto Design team, we are happy to answer your questions.
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